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Critics call for trains to be rerouted from urban areas
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[quote user="CSSHEGEWISCH"] <p>It appears that several postings on this thread suggest that anything less than blind loyalty and obedience to the whims of the current inhabitant of the Executive Mansion constitutes treason. It should be pointed out that once you look beyond the Second World War, there was an appreciable amount of dissent to the wars in which the United States was involved. The outlawing of dissent is not a practice to be condoned in a democracy.</p><p>The so-called "war on terrorism", as defined and practiced by the President of the United States and his supporters, is both eternal and unwinnable short of the mass extermination attempted in The Final Solution. Violent extremists of all stripes (IRA, ETA, Ku Klux Klan, Al Qaeda, etc.) have been around for a long time and will continue to exist as long as somebody has a complaint or grudge and is willing to act upon it. Terrorist acts are acts of intolerance and desparation, there isn't much that can be reasonably done to prevent them short of totalitarianism.</p><p>Also keep in mind that, by definition, democracy is not a concept that can be imposed on people by somebody else. If the Iraqis prefer tribalism and authoritarian government of various sorts, there isn't too much that the United States or anybody else can do about it.</p><p>[/quote]</p><p>I don't necessarily disagree with what you've said here, just that I don't believe that getting folks in line during a war effort necessarily means we're talking about "blind loyalty". Just keep the dissent within judicious parameters, not blared out over the world press for all the terrorists to read and become encouraged even more.</p><p>Nothing makes the day so perfect for a hate mongering terrorist than to wake up and read the "dissent" as reported by the New York Times, Washington Post, et al as he/she contemplates the possibilities of success or failure of his/her campaign of destruction. This war would have been over a long time ago if Bush had taken a harder stand on seditious acts. He was a fool to believe that certain Democrats would put their country ahead of their party. </p><p>You have to be able to understand how the terror networks manipulate the US press to their advantage. All terror acts are engaged in for the purpose of maximizing press coverage. In fact, if not for pro-terrorist news coverage, they'd have nothing with which to fight their doomed battles. It is the US news networks that have kept them alive and kicking. Otherwise, these guys are all dead enders.</p><p>BTW - if polls are to be believed, then a vast majority of Iraqis favor democracy.</p>
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