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Critics call for trains to be rerouted from urban areas
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<p>"Traitors within" Congress? </p><p>Apparently Futuremodal has never read the Constitution,</p><p>which established separation of powers between the</p><p>Executive and Legislative branches of government. </p><p>Or perhaps he rejects the concept of informed dissent</p><p>from the citizenry and its representatives in Washington.</p><p> </p><p>But then, again, he believes we can impose democracy</p><p>on a society where fierce tribal and sectarian loyalties predominate,</p><p>whose language and culture are poorly understood if at all by</p><p>America. He also fails to grasp that the spread of democracy</p><p>in the Arab and Persian Middle East, by replacing the regimes</p><p>in Baghdad, Riyadh, Damascus and Cairo, may not give us the democracy</p><p>WE want, but instead facilitates the rise of a hostile Islamic state governed</p><p>by the rigid dictates of Sharia. </p><p> </p><p>Of course, I thought the whole philosophy behind</p><p>the invasion of Iraq was the threat of WMDs. </p><p> </p><p>Dave </p><p> </p><p>[quote user="futuremodal"] </p><p>[Yep, there it is all in one post. Folks who support the idea of spreading democracy throughout the Middle East via the removal of dictators and hate mongers, such are labeled "imbeciles" by dsktc. If you're not willing to accept the fact that such hatred cannnot be bargained with, cannot be reasoned with, cannot be appeased, only confronted head on, then you live in a pollyanna world. And if history is any lesson, folks whose creed is such pollyannaism tend to go extinct.</p><p>So, what we do is to kill the hatemongers, and nuture those who long for freedom. That's the whole philosophy behind the Iraq campaign. Problem is, it can only work with majority support at home.</p><p>Bush's biggest failing is that he does not recognize the enemy within, those who continually undermine the victory effort, those who continually stab our troops in the back. There's plenty of traitors within the halls of Congress, and Bush's failure to deal with them has caused a perception of failure abroad.</p>[/quote]
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