Need help with signatures

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Need help with signatures

  • How do you get an image on your signature?Sign - With Stupid [#wstupid]
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  • OK.  I'll assume you don't know how to post images to the site in general then.  I'll aslo assume you want to use your own photos, and not a photo that you found on Google.

    • You need to have your pictures online somewhere, and among others give you free space to store pictures.
    • You'll need to upload the pictures from your computer to that site after you create an account.  There will be FAQ/Instructions on each site to help you with this.
    • .
    • OK, you have created your account and have uploaded your pic to the site.  I know photobucket has a list of two or three code samples below the (full size) image,  They're HTML, BB Code, and maybe something else.
    • Grab (Highlight it then hit CTRL+C to copy) the entirity of the text in the textbox next the the label BBCode.
    • .
    • Come back to the forums and paste (CTRL+V) that code into either a message response box (like when guys are giving diagrams, Layout ideas, or showing off some of their work in a Weekend Photo Fun or something).  If you paste that same code into the SIGNATURE box on your "Edit Profile" page, the picture will show up in the signature area.  It's a good idea to use a smaller picture for this.

    This code  [*img][/img*] produces this image when the * are taken out of the IMG tags.  If I went into my "Edit Profile" page and pasted the above code into the "Signature" box, the pic would show up in my signature instead.



    Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site

  • Sorry, but I don't get what you mean.
  • write it as if you were putting an image in a post - ie the [ img ] and [ /img ] (spaces used so the  tags aren't interpereted as such)


    Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site