Watch Topic Page

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Watch Topic Page

  • What happened to the link to my watched topic page and the link to click on to watch the topic? In the old Forums, it was located below the last post in a thread. Will it return or has all that been trashed?

    Also, why are some of the threads and post repeating?

    Also, why are some of the threads and post repeating?

    I also notice you can't cut and paste in the "Post a New Message" box. That's inconvienent.

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  •  Control-C is copy, Control-X is cut, Control-V is paste, on any Windows system. Macs must have similar shortcut keys.


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


    Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.

  •  gsetter wrote:

    I also notice you can't cut and paste in the "Post a New Message" box. That's inconvienent.

    I noticed this as well but found that using the "Ctrl + V" keys works, at least in Firefox.  Try it and see what happens.
    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC