I still cant do it...

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I still cant do it...

  • Hello,  Im trying to add an image along with my text when posting. Can I load images from my pictures in MS pictures or do I actually need the the URL. Either way, Im having trouble. Could someone walk me through. (P.S. where would the world be without noods!)


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  • It took me a few tries to figure it out, so after all that hard work I thought I would share what worked for me in Firefox.  Glad others are finding it useful too.  Cowboy [C):-)]
    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC
  • Thanks Pathfinder, you're a life saver.


  • Try this topic in the MR Forum  link

    And this one: another link

    Hope these help Wink [;)]

    edit:  The image goes in separately from you text, so yes you will need to put them in separately.
    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC