Trains News Wire now restricted to magazine subscribers?

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Trains News Wire now restricted to magazine subscribers?

  • I just re-registered for the new site and can't read News Wire stories.  If this is by design, it's a very poor decision.

    I have been a loyal purchaser of both Trains and Model Railroader for almost thirty years - and by loyal, I mean *every month*.  I choose to buy these at my local hobby store.

    Bad, bad choice.  If this is what Kalmbach thinks of their readership...

    * * * Ken in Aurora, IL
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  • I just re-registered for the new site and can't read News Wire stories.  If this is by design...?

    This is by design. sent out an e-mail a week or two back announcing such. 

    My situation is that I subscribe to Trains, but I purchase Model Railroader occasionally from the newstand.