Mark all read

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Mark all read

  • I'm bewildered by all the snazzy buttons!
    Is there a mark all as read button?


    OK, it seems to be updating sometimes. When I first posted it was stuck on last visit which was actually my first visit of the day.

    I guess the "flood" of folks checking the place out had things a bit squirrelly!
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  • Mid afternoon I was working on some of the code that dealt with the last visit date and time. At one point I had it where the date and time wasn't updating while I was tinkering around. It should be working now.
  • Mid afternoon I was working on some of the code that dealt with the last visit date and time. At one point I had it where the date and time wasn't updating while I was tinkering around. It should be working now.
  • I'm bewildered by all the snazzy buttons!
    Is there a mark all as read button?


    OK, it seems to be updating sometimes. When I first posted it was stuck on last visit which was actually my first visit of the day.

    I guess the "flood" of folks checking the place out had things a bit squirrelly!