Turnouts and double crossover

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Turnouts and double crossover

  • I have a question regarding turnout and double crossover.   If you take 4 (2 left / 2 right) turnouts and put them together can you create a double crossover?  I recently just got back into the hobby (HO scale) and a lot has changed since my childhood train.  I am looking at potential track layouts and I am pricing things and a double crossover is quite expensive.  I can get several turnouts for half of a double crossover. So looking at a cost advantage I was wondering if this was something I could do. 

    Probably wouldn’t operate as nice as double crossover.  Just looking at the cost at this point. 

    Thanks for everybody’s help

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    You should really post in the Model Railroader forums. There are three. General, layouts and DCC.

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    If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.