Why am I here?

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Why am I here?

  • Hello, I made an acct. d am not really sure why. I have been a model railroader for well over 45 years, built layouts in Ho and given them away or left them behind when I moved. All I rally need is some info about DCC for Nscale and some inside info about HoN3. I have a lot of roll stock and an HoN3 Shay that built from a Keystone kit and it runs well.

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  • F.H.W.249,

    Welcome to the Forums,

    You are in the right church,but the wrong pew...... Go to the Model Railroader Forums in the General discussions threads and post your ques. there. They are all N andHO SCALE people there, loads of help.

    Look forward to seeing your posts there.

