Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • richhotrain
    techies, please, uncheck that "Email Me Replies to this Post" box.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • richhotrain

    I liked the old Your Discussions tab much better.  It grouped all of my Discussions together regardless of which forum the thread was located on.  Under this awful new fomat, Your Discussions is grouped under each forum.  Now I have to look around ten times instead of once.


    Go here:  then click on My Activity

  • After reading these offerings of wisdom above and trying things out. This version seems to do every thing i need of it. I find it, other then the look of the pages the same as the other version.

    . I'm Ken Price and I approve this message.Yes

    Ken G Price   My N-Scale Layout

    Digitrax Super Empire Builder Radio System. South Valley Texas Railroad. SVTRR

    N-Scale out west. 1996-1998 or so! UP, SP, Missouri Pacific, C&NW.

  • Folks, post "Issues" in this topic:  Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • Stourbridge Lion


    I liked the old Your Discussions tab much better.  It grouped all of my Discussions together regardless of which forum the thread was located on.  Under this awful new fomat, Your Discussions is grouped under each forum.  Now I have to look around ten times instead of once.


    Go here:  then click on My Activity

    But, that just shows my replies to threads.

    Your Discussions shows others replies to threads that I have participated in.

    Whereas all of those other replies used to appear under Your Discussions, no matter which forum, now Your Discussions is grouped per forum instead of all in one place.


    Alton Junction

  • Set 'Rich Formatting' to default and uncheck that danged 'Email me messages' box. And where's the post count?

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • Please unclick "Email Me Replies to this Post".


    Alton Junction

  • It's just fine.  As Murray said, the larger font is good for tired eyes, too.  The colors also brighten the look.

    C&NW, CA&E, MILW, CGW and IC fan

    1. Is it possible to have the "EMAIL ME REPLIES TO THIS POST" check box un-checked as the default rather than the other way around?  I prefer not have reply notices sent to my e-mail address if I forget to un-check the box.  There also doesn't appear to be a way to change that in edit mode once you've posted.
    2. Is it possible to have the Use rich formatting option as the default?  It is for a new post but not for a reply.
    3. It would be nice if I could delete a post once it's posted.  Currently, all I can do is edit it.
    4. Thanks for making the numbering format available again. Big Smile


    Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.

  • What happened to the username's location?  Like "Denver, CO. Please enable this back, with post count and join date.


    Prototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989

  • OK this is not that great, I prefered the denser topics listings, l now have to scroll and scroll and scroll just to readd whatever is in the forum topics listing, it was easier before to read a bunch and see what I was interested in

    Other than that Meh, I'm not surprised, techies always jerk you around when they change things, this is the exact same format now on the Finescale Modeler website, and the end result of those changes was me posting even less. I thought when changes were made is was for the better, not just changes for changes sake or this new Bang Pow format is sooo superior, its often soooo much more confusing also. We'll grunt grumblegnash our teeth but we'll figure it out.

    Let see

    Pics work OK

    Mischief smilies OK

    I think I'll survivePirate

       Have fun with your trains

  • How do you delete a post?

    How do you edit a post?

  • Motley

    What happened to the username's location?  Like "Denver, CO. Please enable this back, with post count and join date.

    Found the "Location" that but in a non obvious place.  Click on your/my avatar and scroll down looking on the Right Side for the "About" section box

  • Stourbridge Lion


    What happened to the username's location?  Like "Denver, CO. Please enable this back, with post count and join date.

    Found the "Location" that but in a non obvious place.  Click on your/my avatar and scroll down looking on the Right Side for the "About" section box

     Yes I saw that. I was talking about the way it showed up before. Along with Post Count, Join Date, Location.

     And could they please have the Username and this info stated, listed on the left? Like every other forum on the internet? I've never even seen or used a forum, where the Usernames are in the middle of each post. 


    Prototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989

  • Your not in Kansas anymore.

    Yeah, when you get comfortable with something the IT guys gotta upset the apple cart.  You know how it is with us old farts - change is a PITA.  My work computer gets upgraded to Window 7 tomorrow - grrrr....

    Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983