For about the last year or so, whenever I log in to reply to a post at this forum, I get kicked to the following page, and have to find my way back to the thread and post i wish to respond to.
Needless to say this is a tiresome time suck. Any way to fix this?
I see you use FireFox which is what I use as well. There are three types of cookie maintenance methods it can do for you automatically, "BLOCK", "Allow for Session", and "ALLOW".
I have "" set to ALLOW so the cookie sticks around
"Allow for Session" will allow a cookie to get created and maintain while FireFox is running and then will automatically remove the cookie afterwards.
I tend to use the "BLOCK" option on AD and STAT type cookies...
Darren (BLHS & CRRM Lifetime Member)
Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum (DHVM), Railroad Adventures (RRAdventures)
My Blog
Okay, that probably explains it. I wipe all cookies regularly, due to abuse(s) by certain hosts.
If you keep loosing your access it is most likely the cookie on your PC is getting removed...