trouble posting: whats wrong?

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trouble posting: whats wrong?

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  • I have Firefox installed on my computer.  I never use it.  I like IIE9 better.  A one time click on the compatibility mode icon cures the problem with this site.  I have never found another site that needed it.  The problem is obviously here, but the work around is simple so I don't even think about it until someone else posts the problem.


    Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow

  • Another solution is to go with Firefox as your browser... Idea

  • I bet you recently upgraded to Windows 7 didn't you. IE8 and IE9 have both shown compatibility problems with this forum with IE9 being the biggest offender. Look to the right of the address bar and you'll see a small icon that looks like a torn piece of paper. Click it once. The problem should go away.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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