Kadee rail spiker

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Kadee rail spiker

  • Does anyone know where there are articles on using the Kadee rail spiker?
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  •  trains-r-fun wrote:
    Does anyone know where there are articles on using the Kadee rail spiker?

    You might want to ask this over in the MR magazine forums. But to answer your question, you're not going to find anything in the last few years (at least a decade) in any of the magazines on the use of the Kadee spiker. They haven't been made or sold for a long time, but I understand you can get the individual parts to make one or repair one. Supposedly they were discontinued because they were considered a safety hazard. 

    de N2MPU Jack

    Proud NRA Life Member and supporter of the 2nd. Amendment

    God, guns, and rock and roll!

    Modeling the NYC/NYNH&H in HO and CPRail/D&H in N