Why do some photos come out with only a "red x" instead of a picture?

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Why do some photos come out with only a "red x" instead of a picture?

  • Hi,

    I've been a forum member for some time, and have a question that has been scratching at me for awhile.......

    While the vast majority of pictures appear when I call up various postings, occasionally some pictures appear only with a "red x" in the corner and a blank screen.

    I'm using AT&T high speed internet, and accessing the site via MS Explorer.



    ENJOY  !




    Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central 

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  • Often Red X's are author error, but they can also be caused when posting from a link requiring a password, or if the link was moved on the server.  There are probably other causes as well.
    CHAD Modeling the B&O Landenberg Branch 1935-1945 Wilmington & Western Railroad
  • Chadw,

     Thank you that makes sense.  In restating what you wrote, is it then correct to say that the "red x" is the result of that author's error?



    ENJOY  !




    Living in southeast Texas, formerly modeling the "postwar" Santa Fe and Illinois Central 

  • It could also mean that the poster typed in the url for the image wrong or did something else to the coding.  I have done it several times myself.  The wrong code will give you a red x.  For example: [img*]http://us.a2.yahoofs.com/groups/g_hr_153705/ebf4/__hr_/9ea8.jpg?grwlXjHBobojPWyE[/img*] (note that the astericks are only there to stop it from being read as an image) This link is broken and so should give a red x like this:

    That was the same url written with the correct tags.  With an incorrect url it gives a red x.

    CHAD Modeling the B&O Landenberg Branch 1935-1945 Wilmington & Western Railroad
  • means the computer(yours) may not be reading it, or it hasn't loaded yet
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!! www.youtube.com/user/wyomingrailfan