Locking Topics

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Locking Topics

  • Hi![#welcome] I would like to know how you lock a topic. I just want to delete one of my topics.
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  • Thanks "jhhtrainsplanes", but the worst of the post has been deleted now (I am trying to liquidate the topic now, people are now removing their share of the work). It's good to see yet another happy ending[:)].
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal

    Hi![#welcome] I would like to know how you lock a topic. I just want to delete one of my topics.

    dougal [8D]

    I am sorry about your MR thread that has taken a turn for the worst. [:(] Please email me and I will give you some info that should be useful to you. [:)]
  • Dogal
    you can delete your posts by hitting delete.you will have to enter your password to change or delete your posts.
    stay safe

    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").