No notification emails since maintenance

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No notification emails since maintenance

  • I've stopped receiving notification emails since the system maintenance on 9-9-07. I still receive all of the magazine newsletters, but no notifications, in spite of notification being turned on in my preferences, and on individual threads. I have no spam filtering software. Has anyone else had the same problem?
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  • Be careful what you ask for. I wasn't receiving responses for several weeks. A few days ago, they started coming and coming. I got behind and one day had to delete 7 pages at 10 to 15 responses a page.

    Mel Hazen; Jax, FL


    Mel Hazen; Jax, FL Ride Amtrak. It's the only way to fly!!!

  • My notification issue seems solved. I tried a different email address, and the emails arrive without a hitch. Go figure. Confused [%-)]
  •   Lol, now today, I get automagically logged in with my Mailman username.

      Different every time I visit the site...

    "Realism is overrated"
  •   Yeah, me neither.  On top of that, for some very strange reason, when I visit the forums, it's started using my ancient account/username of Mailman56701 instead of the (until now !?!) current one of Mailman. that I think of it, I had to switch to only Mailman way back when because of a similar thing happening then; it wouldn't recognize Mailman56701, so I created the new account !?!!?


     Strange stuff....

    "Realism is overrated"
  • DAAAAAAA I just reread your orginal forum and read your answer to my question.

    I am replying to your second entry for which I received an E-Mail.

    I know the web editor will answer your E-Mail. He might be on Vacation or  couple of days off.

  • I still haven't received any, including your reply. I sent the moderator a PM at the beginning of the week, but apparently he hasn't even read it. What do you have to do to get some service around here? Angry [:(!]

    You can turn off the notification on any thread with the notification button at the top. It's the button with the bell icon. 

  • I just received some yesterday.

    I would like to find out how to stop getting them for very old forums, BUT still received them for new posts.