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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • simon1966


    I liked the old Your Discussions tab much better.  It grouped all of my Discussions together regardless of which forum the thread was located on.  Under this awful new fomat, Your Discussions is grouped under each forum.  Now I have to look around ten times instead of once.


    Don't know if you figured this out yet, but over on the right under where you manage your profile you can click on "Your Discussions" there and all your threads are pulled together regardless of the forum you are in.   If you click on the "your discussions" tab under each forum, you only see your discussions from within that forum.  Seems to be quite a useful feature to me?

    Simon, thanks, no I had not figured that out yet.



    Alton Junction

  • Well put, Simon.  As I mentioned in the opening  post, I initially didn't care much for the new format.  However, as predicted, I've begun to warm up to the changes and I'm quickly getting used to navigating the site.  Some pluses for me:

    1. Pages load more quickly
    2. Numbered lists actually show up as numbers rather than bullet items
    3. After posting a reply, you return to the actual thread page where your posted/edited post is located (vs. the in between page telling you that your posted has successfully posted)
    4. HTML code for one's own post can be manipulated/edited in a separate window - Sometimes it's maddening trying to figure out why something won't display correctly.  This will help identify where the problem exists.

    Most likely it will take a week or two to work out most of the bugs; and a few more to iron the remainder.  And there are some things that I will either never utilize (e.g. Tag cloud)...or hold very little interest to me.


    Time...It marches on...without ever turning around to see if anyone is even keeping in step.

  • Also go to "Community Settings" and turn off notifications there as well.  That seems to fix the issue for me.

  • Have you gone into your profile and set the notification selections like this? It should turn off the emails.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
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    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • Thanks, guys, I went to Community Settings and stopped email notifications there too.


    Alton Junction

  • richhotrain

    Thanks, guys, I went to Community Settings and stopped email notifications there too.


    Did it stop? Or you still getting emails? 


    Prototype: D&RGW Moffat Line 1989

  • Motley


    Thanks, guys, I went to Community Settings and stopped email notifications there too.


    Did it stop? Or you still getting emails? 

    It finally stopped.

    Hey, do we now default to Rich Text?  Oh yeah.

    Alton Junction

  • I don't know if anyone else uses it, but I sure miss the "Mark all read" button.


    Life is simple - eat, drink, play with trains!

    Go Big Red!

    PA&ERR "If you think you are doing something stupid, you're probably right!"

  • fiatfan

    I don't know if anyone else uses it, but I sure miss the "Mark all read" button.

    You still have it. Right side of the screen under 'Forum Options'.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  •  Tom: "Mark all read" might work, btu the problem is - there's no difference in the display from a thread where I have read ALL the replies, or a thread where I have read some but there are new replies since my last visit.

     Simon: that was there in the previous version too. That shows all threads I've participated in, sometimes I just read along because it's somethign of interest or soemthign I want to learn,a nd don;t have anythign to actually say.

    ANd yes, I guess I could go to email notifications and so forth - but I don;t want to get even more email from yet another source, the traffic level here is just too high to deal with that, so I've never turned it on, except for PMs. And really, I shouldn;t have to do somethign like that. I've NEVER used a forum software that didn;t have SOME kind of identification in the topic list of which ones were new, had new posts, or were fully read. I'm SURE this has to jsut be a settign that got overlooked - if Telligent really left that out of this update then serious I will need to write them (Telligent, not Kalmbach) a nasty letter, that is a basic function, not something now rendered obsolete by the inclusion of social media.


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


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  •  That's wierd how some people have their settings changed and some don't. I didn;t have a problem with emails last upgrade either. My setting are the same as Jeffrey's, they were before the upgrade and they still are.



    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


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  • OK, this is crazy.

    I had to go to Email Notifications on the right side of the screen under my screen name and click 22 buttons to change Receive to Remove for every single forum.

    But, to no avail.  I am receiving every single post on every single forum in my personal email account.

    HELP !

    STOP !


    Alton Junction

  •  I take part of that back, it appears it finally is now bolding any thread with new replies, it WAS only doing that for new threads. At least, it is in the Electronics and DCC section. That's how it used to be before the upgrade, easy to tell which threads had new posts without trying to rememebr the last time you visited.

     I think the same thing happened last upgrade, it stopped displaying when there were new posts. Perhaps it's tied to the indexing, which wasn;t complete.




    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


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  •  ANd it does seem to load faster, although it was never really slow for me on my home system, I have  very fast connection and a fairly speedy computer, 2 generations behind in CPU but it has 12GB RAM and an SSD. I will test it tomorrow from a site with a slow connection (single T1 - amazing how that is now SLOW - but it is painful to visit nearly any web site from that location. The previous version of the forum was all but unusable from there. I can't imagine how anyoen still using dialup can read and post here)



    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


    Visit my web site at for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.

  • rrinker

     Simon: that was there in the previous version too. That shows all threads I've participated in, sometimes I just read along because it's somethign of interest or soemthign I want to learn,a nd don;t have anythign to actually say.


    I know, Rich was complaining about it and I was pointing out where the feature now resided.

    Simon Modelling CB&Q and Wabash See my slowly evolving layout on my picturetrail site and our videos at