Can someone please recommend software for track planning? I am modeling N scale and use Kato Unitrack.
Hi Railfan,
I was able to download the software and am trying to learn how to use it. My way of getting some thing done when I don't know what I'm doing is the trial and error method. I did this when learning to use a computer. The best printer avaiable then was a daisy wheel and soft ware was just one step above writing your own. I'll probably estimate what track I'll need and lay it out and keep adding until I get what I want. I have a plan on paper and I don't want to use one that has been prepared. I think of myselt as being presistent while others probably think of me as being stubborn. Any way I'll get the job done.
Thanks for the help.
Don't Ever Give Up
Take a look at the recent MR Layout "Black River Jct." and you will have all the Kato you want. There is a dallop of ballast, landscaping here and there.
I thought about Xtrk and have a copy on the computer for HO scale. It is not quite as complete as I would like it to be.
Part of the problem is that Shinohara, Peco and Atlas are all vying for the final selection for my track. I find Kato very good track but very expensive on the switches. OY.
Hi Jim and railfan,
I'm just getting started too and have been doing a lot of day dreaming and this isoftware is just what I need. The " new fast track and unitrack has a lot of advantages but does it look as realistic? Supposedly you don't have to balast it
I just did a quick search, and I found this. I have not downloaded it yet, but I think I will give it a try. I realize that you said you were using Kato track, but I am not familier with that. BUT, (as long as it is free) it is 5 MB so it isn't too bad to download. Here is what they say:
Right Track Freeware is a layout planning program for the PC (Windows only). The program allows you to design your dream layout using electronic templates of Atlas O's 21st Century Track® System, Atlas N scale and HO scale Snap-Track and Super-Flex Track, HO True-Track, switches, bridges, turntables, buildings and electrical controls. There are even templates for structures from Walther's Cornerstone Series, Railway Design Associates, Design Preservation Models, Life-Like, Lionel and Atlas O, LLC.
Right Track FreeWare will allow you to design a layout of just about any size (up to 100' x 100') using Atlas N, HO and O scale Super-Flex track, sectional track, switches, bridges and buildings, as well as buildings from other manufacturers. When you are finished designing, you can print out the plan and use it as a blueprint while you build your railroad. The software will keep track of what products you use while designing, and when you're finished you can print a list of required items and use it as a "shopping list."
Good Luck!