Where's Waldo?

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Where's Waldo?

  • Everyone who has Microsoft Train Simulator has noticed by now the absence of people. Mircrosoft explained that people were to complicated because they didn't just want "statues" they were trying to get movement. But the programs were complicated and the system crashed everytime.

    However, I did find some people lurking in there after all.

    In Japan you see people riding motor scooters, but did you noticed that at some depot platforms in the Tokyo route (the electrified route) at the kiosks or booths did you see the people inside them? This would be over on the Shinjuku side of the route somewhere around Yoyogi or Kyoto.

    Then on the NE corridor I found this one by mistake. I was in the route editor just fooling around when I ran across a backpacker. He's at:
    Lat: 39.33505
    Lon: -76.43395

    This is somewhere between MP 85.5 and 90.0 on the gray part of the earth. This is on the other side of Baltimore on the way to Philly, pass the big red bridge. I think it was on the north side of the tracks or the left side if you're heading to Philly, on the right if you're heading to D.C.

    I call this guy Waldo. But he didn't show up when I hopped in a train and went by there. I got a screen shot when I was in route editor. Is this one of those random object placements decided by the computer when you load an activity? I've noticed those cars "parked" by the side of the tracks are always there everytime but "Waldo" doesn't always show up.

    Here's an idea: If Microsoft made up "statue" people of all types, old, young, short, tall, sitting, standing, walking and gave you the option of downloading them and placing them anywhere you want in your route, in effect customize your world, would you do it?

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

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  • Cool, yeah I did figure out that it was a hazard, but for some reason this "Waldo" did show up in route editor mode, but I've never seen the deer in other modes except activities. Come to find out while digging through my trainsim files the person I call "Waldo" is labled as "female backpacker" or something like that. So I guess I should change the name from "Waldo" to "Wanda"? It'd be funny if there was a red and white stripe shirt backer in there. I also discovered this backpacker is animated turns "her" head back and forth.

    I havn't done the Class 50 activity with Flying Scotsman excursion since I've upgraded my video card. I'll have to check to see if these people show up in there.

    Thanks for the info and the link. I think I'll hop over there and see these kangaroos. [;)]

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by cakestand

    I realise your post (above) is a couple of months old, so perhaps you've discovered this by now...

    "Waldo", as you call him, is there for you to run over. He's a "People Hazard", as mentioned on the Activity Editor - like the deer, only more crunchy.


    Fr David Smith

  • I realise your post (above) is a couple of months old, so perhaps you've discovered this by now...

    "Waldo", as you call him, is there for you to run over. He's a "People Hazard", as mentioned on the Activity Editor - like the deer, only more crunchy.

    Hazards only appear when you're following one of the activities, not when you're exploring - and not always then. One of the Settle & Carlisle activities has a write-up that says something like "you're driving the class 50, but the Flying Scotsman is running an excursion today", so Waldo and his colleagues presumably appear in force as train-spotters.

    There are other sorts of hazards available - one of the Australian download sites has an add-on kangaroo hazard by Paul Gausden. Take a look at

    Fr David Smith