how fast

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how fast

  • I love running different engines in different parts of the world. Just wondering how fast anyone has gotten a steam engine to go on the flats like the NE corridor. I've gotten the Scotsman up to 143.
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  • I got up to 236 on Tokyo..with an Acela Express (2 power cars,3,and 2 more power cars at the end).I was going down hill,I just made it to 236!
  • I Got up to 275 on marias with 2 geeps

  • Make sure that the derailment feature is turned off. Then take one or two gp38 units with no cars and run them down Marias pass in notch eight. I reached speeds up to 256 MHP.
  • I got the Scotsman up to 140, then I crashed it, and it did a barrel-roll and landed in a river! Good thing no one can be hurt on simulators!
    I love the smell of ALCo smoke in the Morning. "Long live the 251!!!" I miss the GBW and my favorite uncle is Uncle Pete. Uncle Pete eats Space Noodles for breakfast.
  • I've got the scotsman up to 136 on the NE corridor.