Cut Bank Train seperation

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Cut Bank Train seperation

  • I've found a problem when I'm in the "explore route" and start at Shelby wb to Whitefish with the dash 9's and the 20 intermodel. (This happens with other trains, too.)

    When I get to the crossovers just east of Cut bank the trian becomes derailed. The -9 loses the rest of the train. I crawl through there, use loco brakes, train brakes and it still derails. This also happes at the crossovers about 15 20 miles west of Cut Bank. Any suggestions?
    Regards, Smurf
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  • just route yourself over the south main..........and imagine that the switches on the north are under maintenance

    10000 feet and no dynamics? Today is going to be a good day ... 

  • Hey Gary go into ur File Folders for Each Car,Locomotives and look for your note pad and open it up and go to the files in there for each Car/Locomotives and look for a list scroll down and you will see a word Called Brake change them from 51.-10.5 and that will work it worked for me good luck,TIM
  • Hi Gary this is Ross from Spokane I own a Computer Consulting Firm. Can you tell me what Operation system you have and if it is win 2000 or win xp I need to know the service pack you have installed. I will try to help you with this problem if I can.
  • I tried downloading the updates; even went so far as to uninstall it and purchase a new game. I then got the new version with the SD40-2, uninstalled the old version and installed the new version. It remembered the old games that I had saved, and of course, the train seperates at the east end of Cut Bank (crossovers) and at the crossover at Piegan. If I start the train at east cut bank, it doesn't seperate, nor do any eastbounds seperate.


    Regards, Smurf
  • from the insider,sorry
  • try downloading the update for the insider, it may help.