NS Herzog Train

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NS Herzog Train

  • Today was a day we were going to sit at Junction City to catch some trains.....But when we got their we heard that a ballast train was due to come thru....We then went and sat by this one park to wait for its arrival

    We waited no longer than 12 mins till we heard a distant horn....We knew it had to be something different due to the sounding of the horn....As it came into the picture we seen it was some NS power up front

    We knew it was going to take a while for it to load at the Mathy ballast pit so we headed up town for a while

    We then went over to the Mosinee yard where we seen him gathering his loads up to take back south

    With its train together...Air pumped....He pulls HARD to get all the loads moving

    Passing the dam here at Mosinee and by the Mosinee paper mill's yard

    With one more cut of cars yet to pick up at the Mathy ballast pit

    With its cars tacked onto this train...The 10,000 ton ballast train starts its pull once again

    Ground shot of him passing by the river and park area

    Last shot we catch him passing over the Wisconsin River bridge here at Knowlton


    All for now

    J Trane
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  • wrawroacx

    Are all these engines and cars in all the pictures you have, from the new Trainz 2009?


    No......These are all from Trainz 2006...Will work for anyone that has Trainz 2006....Every route that I do is a proto one...As this one here is based in the Central Wisconsin area

    Thanx for looking and watch for more coming soon your way Laugh

    J Trane
  • Are all these engines and cars in all the pictures you have, from the new Trainz 2009?

    Tom My Videos - http://www.youtube.com/user/MrWrawroacx