For those that may not know re:'s cancelled

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For those that may not know re:'s cancelled

  •  Last week MS gave notice to the ACES development team. Both MS train simulator and flight sim are now history...

    Phil Taylor's blog:

    From gamasutra:








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  • Well that just absolutly stinks.

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • ShockShock I can't believe it!! I was really looking forward to MSTS2. I thought sure it would be made this time; looked like it was going to be cool, too. Oh well, I guess I won't have to worry about having a Vista computer for it to run on now. I guess there's always Trainz...

    Long live the BNSF .... AND its paint scheme. SchemerBob
  • Lateral-G

     Last week MS gave notice to the ACES development team. Both MS train simulator and flight sim are now history...

    Phil Taylor's blog:

    From gamasutra:








    This is not good news ...
  • fievel


    Thanks for the heads up. I was looking forward to a new MSTS. But I figured it would be dropped, seeing how lo-o-o-o-ng it was taking. The original is still loads of fun.Smile

    I agree.  I just wish we had the Horseshoe Curve/Altoona route that MSTS2 was going to have.


  • You can also read some of it on this site here:


    J Trane

    Thanks for the heads up. I was looking forward to a new MSTS. But I figured it would be dropped, seeing how lo-o-o-o-ng it was taking. The original is still loads of fun.Smile

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