Other railroads

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Other railroads

  • I would like to see the Union Pacific help add some runs using both modes of power. I think using the big boys (4-8-8-4) and challengers over summit and thru nebraska would be great. also using the frieght runs using desiel in same areas also. The greatest addition would be using steam and desiel for the passenger runs on the UP line. It is rumored that UP didnt want to contribute to the program. It would be a great piece of history and really challenging to pull the summit in wyoming using steam.
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  • Check out www.train-sim.com . They have ALL KINDS of add ons for MSTS. Steam & diesels for all occasions. Passenger & freight cars. Even different routes. Best of all, it's all FREEWARE!!!
  • I'd like it if I could run USRA steam myself (all types) as well as Alleghenys/Blue Ridge's and
    Lima 2-8-4s as well.

    Thats what put me off from train sim at first was due to the lack of North American steam operations and for that matter NO transition operation as well.

    Hopefully aftermarket software developers will come out with stuff like that.
  • A Bigboy in trainsim would be nice. I would certainly apreciate seeing more steam power available. Somthing like the CB&Q 4-8-4s pr 4-6-4s would be to die for!