Train Master

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Train Master

  • Hello fellow conductors!

    I am a train enthusiast just like all of you.

    I am hoping someone can help me pick out the best train simulator - there are so many to choose from at the local video game shoppe.

    I like german trains best.

    Please email me about train simulators or any train related topic.I just love talking about trains. I can also email you pictures of my miniature train set which took me over 100 hours to build!

    Tim Kruchkowski

    choo choo!
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  • Howdy , I have Train Master , Trainz , & MSTS. So far I like the MSTS the best , I have alot of add ons for this & it works rather well. The only thing that gets me is when I'm switching in a big yard I tend to switch to a wrong track , I hope that someday they'll make a board so you can see where your train is & where you need to switch to. Other than that , AWESOME! I'd go with MSTS.
  • Well, seeing how I have only Microsoft Trainsimulator I'd recommend that. I tried one other simulator on a free internet demo a few years ago and it wasn't anything as impressive as Microsofts. You can get so many free downloads for MSTS. See. and for starters.

    Also the Railroad Tycoon series is great. Not only is it great it's AWESOME. I especially like the music soundtrack it comes with. I wish I could put the music on a seperate CD.

    If you want some MSTS screen shots Tim (can I call you Tim?) I can email you some.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti