Your Favorite RR's?

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Your Favorite RR's?

  • How many favorite RR's do you guys have? Here goes my list.

    1. Absolute Favorite, Burlington Northern Cascade green rules!

    2. Illinois Central

    3. Santa Fe

    4. Conrail

    5. Southern Pacific

    6. Norfolk Southern

    7. CSX

    8. Union Pacific

    Well thats my list it is long but those are my favorite roads in order.

    Long Live The Burlington Northern!
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  • 1. Santa Fe

    2. Southern Pacific

    3. Union Pacific

    4. Burlington Northern

    5. Rio Grande

    6. Pennsylvania

    7. Present-day Canadian National

    In Memory of Matthew P. Kveton Sr. (1909-1997) Former Santa Fe Railway Conductor
  • 1. Delaware & Hudson

    2. Soo Line

    3. Pennsylvania

    4. New York, New Haven, & Hartford

    5. Norfolk & Western

    6. Canadian Pacific

    D & H - Gone but not forgotten


    2.CR..railroad I grew up watching

    3.D&RGW(narrow gague one)


    5. Funny but AMTRAK



  • As a Chicagoian it's hard to choose but here it goes.

    1 ICG, Grew up along the Iowa Division, also gotta love the orange/white and orange/gray paint schemes and Paducah rebuilds

    2 C&NW,Also lived within walking distance of Proviso Yard (SD40-2's)

    3 BN My Grandparents lived in Brookfield within walking distance of the station.

    4 IHB Who doesn't love a good belt line, also photographed it alot on the early 90's

    5 CSX lots of cool paint schemes in the early 90's

    6 KCS got hooked on a trip to Kansas City in '94 or '95

    7 Grand Trunk, Geeps and Auto parts

    8 Belt Railway of Chicago, Chicago's only Alcos and an MP-15 thats been wearing a bicentennial paint scheme for 30 years

    9 Chicago Central, short lived but knew how to make an intresting lash-up

    10 CGW before my time really but ran two blocks from my house would have loved to see the great F unit lash-ups in person

    11 On some level really any railroad that does business in Chicago and some that don't 


    Dan Metzger

  • 1.Southeastern Continental Rwy. (my freelanced RR)

    2. Southern Rwy. (Serves the South)

    3. Southern Pacific Rwy.

    4. Norfolk southern

    5. Atchison, topeka, and Santa Fe


    Sawyer Berry

    Clemson University c/o 2018

    Building a protolanced industrial park layout


  • My "favorites" have changed with age. As a kid it seemed like everything I had was Burlington Northern or Sante Fe. Looking back it was mostly because those were the easiest things to get for my train set.

    My favorites today are:

    1: Missouri Pacific (I grew up near their yard in Spring, TX.)

    2: Burlington Northern (specifically remembering the SD-40-2's rumbling through the Iowa countryside.)

    3: Union Pacific (They run the old MOPAC lines and I still live in the same area.)

    I generally favor the railroads around me. Southern Pacific came through here as did MKT.


  • RRC (Respondek Railroad Corporation)
    Illinois Terminal
    Nickel Plate Road
    All others
    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
  • mines BNSF
  • 1. Union Pacific 

    2. CSX 

    3.Burlington Northern

    4.Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)

    5.Santa Fe 


  • UP
    M&A Missouri and Arkansas
    Little Rock and Western
    Arkansas Midland
    Arkansas Missouri
    Missouri and Northern Arkansas(no relation to M&A)
    If it ran in Arkansas I like, including Texas and Pacific
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!!
  • BN, ATSF, CNW, SP, DRGW, UP, MP, and NP.


    Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

    2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

  • Hands down the Southern Railway. Followed by the N&W, Norfolk Southern, and Atlantic Coast Line.


    Nick! :)

  • it's a tie between KCS and NS right now

    Your friendly neighborhood CNW fan.

  • NYC
