MTH Steam Train set with proto 2.0

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MTH Steam Train set with proto 2.0

  • Hello ,
    I am planning to put a train-track in son's room (he is 2 years old) attached to the wall so that trains can run around his room . I am plaaning to buy MTH train set with Prot2.0 . I am looking for steam engine really old style with more color on it so that my son will be attracted to it. I m going for O scale so that he can see the train properly. I am also planning to buy DCS control-station/remote control so that my little one can control the train . I am wondering whether MTH train with proto-2.0 has speed control capability or not ? I am interested on this set "O-27 4-6-0 Passenger Set w/ProtoSound 2, Christmas, MTH Trains, MTH3041411"
    Any idea how to put the track near the ceiling ... I am planning to buy fasttrack and use L-bracket to attach it to wall ?

    Anil Kumar
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  • Welcome to the Hobby.  I can answer a few questions, but the Classic toy trains forum can help you out more.


    -If the engine is Proto Sound 2, then it will have speed control and also smoke and sounds

    -About the track near the ceiling, i have nevr done it but a few guys on the classic toy trains forum have


    K-Line The Difference is in the Details