Is Proto-smoke Dangerous??

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Is Proto-smoke Dangerous??

  • My son is 5 and LOVES his new O scale RailKing set.  I like it, too.  It makes fantastic smoke and plenty of it.  I am VERY concerned about his inhaling the smoke which is made by drops of mineral oil (Proto-smoke).  The bottle gives pretty heavy warnings about ingesting is toxic.  I've been doing some research and found one thing about inhaling - something about it forming a mass on the lungs over time.  Can anyone tell me if Proto-smoke is dangerous when inhaled?  Thanks.

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  • I agree. It's nothing to get worked up about just as long as you use common sense.

    Also, the link above mentions dire warnings about ingesting smoke fluid. As it's just mineral oil, it's completely safe to drink just as long as you don't induce vomiting(I wouldn't suggest drinking it, though, just saying that it's safe). Stay close to the toilet, too, if you do accidentally ingest some of it.

    Ben TCA 09-63474
  • As with everything, Dont overdo it.
    As long as your in a well ventilated space (not a closet) and are not running the 10 locos on rollers with a blanket over your head covering them and dropping fluid into them every 10 seconds, you should be just fine.
    Normal use in a average size room thats ventilated should be no trouble at all. But use where overexposure can occur (intentional or accidental) like running in a small closed room or running smoke in many locos at the same time is not a smart idea.
    Just use common sense and remember that any kind of smoke is potentially health threatening. Personally, on my indoor layout, I do not use smoke, I just dont care for it.

       Have fun with your trains

  • Your welcome. Enjoy your hobby time with your son.Thumbs Up [tup]
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Thank you!

  • ummmm..... yes it is.

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Nope, Proto-Smoke is no more dangerous than the train itself.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.