Lincoln logs

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Lincoln logs

  • My son who is 11 now loves this little game we play.  I have a big oval of track in the finished attic room, oval is about 25x16 or so.  I set at on end and my son goes to the other end.  I load lincoln logs on to the train and ship them to him at the other end.  He tells me what he needs and I fill the order.  We can play like this for hours.  You could do this this legos or any kind of building toy, lincoln logs are simple and a flat load of logs being pulled by a steam engine look real nice.


    John Chase 

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  • thats a good idea
    What do you call a freight train full of bubble gum? A chew chew train! :] T.R. quote: "A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad." visit:
  • Lionel has a set now with lincoln logs


    K-Line The Difference is in the Details
  • That is a good idea. And a good way to spend time with the kids.
    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Great idea!