Kids Music

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Kids Music

  • Where can i get a simple background music that is loyality free or cani make own music with ease.
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  • FlexiMusic Kids Composer is easy way for kids to learn the basics of music-making and recording . It is simple level. You can make music into it on a very simple level.

  • Windows or Mac any one.
  • Do you have a Mac?

    If so, you'll have Garage Band, an incredibly easy to use music creating and editing program.


  •  I am a kid. I want simple music making software . please help me
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    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
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    Not sure what kind of music or sounds you are looking to obtain, but here are a few links to royalty free music and sound effects.

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