why are trains so popular

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why are trains so popular

  • I want to know why trains are so popular?
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  • Just a thought, but take a look, first at real trains, then at toys and models. The big ones are colorful, noisy, powerful, fast, have a lot of moving parts and are visually arresting. The older steamers, even more so, with belching smoke, rythmic sound, screeching whistles, a HUGE collection fo moving parts, and they all give us the ability to get somewhere, down an unknown path of steel track, where cars, buses and airplanes can't. Over rivers, through dense forrests, the back street areas of metro areas, down canyons and across deserts and moutains. We've lost a lot in our ru***o get there on the highways.

    OK, model trains put all that on a plywood sheet in our basement or rec room and let our minds wander to those places we only wish we could get to. Plus they too, have all those visual grabbers; color motion, dozens of moving parts, and rolling stock with even more.
