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  •     Well, what had origianlly gotten me into model railroading some years ago (I'm 16 currently) was a mixture of my fathers obsession with prototypes, and my mothers willingness to buy me loads of Thomas the Tank Engine toys.   I remember trying to modify them with paint and such, but that never turned out very well.  When I was about 7 I got my first HO train set from Life-Like, with a power and dummy Santa Fe GP38-2 (still own those to this day).  After that I got another Lifelike set, and ended up putting the two together with the assistance of a couple of turnouts.

        A few years later at Christmas I got a Lionel set, and played around with that for a while.  At about 13 I got back into HO, and modeled buildings for school projects.  Just recently I've started a new layout in an empty room of my house.  It's still in track planning, but if I get a chance to I'll be sure to post pictures as I progress.

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  • My first trains were the wooden Brio ones. Used them a lot as an infant and I still have them after so many years. That and of course, the Walt Disney World Railroad contibuted to me becoming a life-long steam railfan.
    "Howdy folks! And welcome aboard the Walt Disney World Railroad!"
  • Started with Thomas too. Recieved an HO scale train set around age 7 and almost destroyed it (being used to the push and grab method) so it went to the grandparents house. When they moved, it went back to me (without knowing). One day I'm cleaning my room and I look up for the next thing to clean and I see it. I get it down and with a few trips the the LHS, the rest is history. Today, the set I originally used is no longer being used. It has since been replaced with a P2K S3, lots of rolling stock, MRC Tech 4 powerpack, and NS rail. The floor I used as a play surface has now been replaced with a 5x9 in planning. I hope to have the plan finalized by the new year.
  • I got started in trains because of Thomas and that kept me going until i was 6 when i got a tyco set at christmas with a Santa Fe F-unit and i never stopped and im still going strong with my trains! Im hoping to make it my proffession im trying to get on with either BNSF or NS. Will just have to see how that goes.
    Long Live The Burlington Northern!
  • My entire family set my love of trains in motion. My family was no stranger to railroading as my great uncle was an engineer for the New Haven railroad. In addition, my grandfather is a railfan and would bring me everywhere to see trains. He purchased me my first HO scale set and I've been hooked in this hooby since before I could walk. In fact, just the other day my Aunt called me at work to tell me there was a train going through Bristol, CT which is near where I live. So all in all, I guess my entire family is tied by the hobby.

  • Well pardner, your story and mine are two in the same. I started out a few years back with ole Thomas and will now I play with Lions. I just love the size of ole Lionels. I am considering an N scale layout though.

    Lionel collector, stuck in an N scaler's modelling space.