My kids and I are building a layout. . .

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My kids and I are building a layout. . .

  • I don't now if my girls are really interested in Model Railroading but they do like working on our layout.  You can read about it on our Layout Blog:

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  • I was into model trains some twenty years ago, before going to college and discovering  a whole set of new interests. Have jumped back into this wonderful hobby following my five year-old son's interest.

    We have built a 4mm scale modern image layout in his bedroom runnning some of the typical trains to be found in and around London (where we live).

    However, we have both very recently become huge American railroad fans and have just started our first N-gauge American layout (a double first). He now wants to go across the pond not to see Disneyland, Universal Studios or to see the skyscrapers in New York - no - he wants to ride Amtrak's Empire Builder and see some huge freight trains. Not for him the likes of Mickey Mouse DVDs - instead, his favourite DVD is BNSF's Columbia Gorge sub-division!

    There is nothing finer than sharing a hobby with a son / daughter. I'm loving every minute of it.

  •  alexweiihman wrote:



    So do I.

  • One of the best ways to relate to your kids is to connect them to the past, model railroading does that.
  • years ago my dad had both me and my brother helping him while building his layout. my brother was puting in that itchy fiberglass ceiling tiles while my dad and I were putting up suspended facia from the we must of drilled over 500 holes and put up more than 50 sheets
  •  Railfan1 wrote:

     Hitsua wrote:
    Well, I do wish you the best with that.  My father and I building a layout together when I was younger was a great experiance.


     Sign - Ditto [#ditto]

    Sign - Ditto [#ditto] in fact me and my dad are about to head out to our LHS! I wish you luck with the layout!

  • Wish You the best of luck on the layout!


    K-Line The Difference is in the Details
  •  brothaslide wrote:
    I don't now if my girls are really interested in Model Railroading but they do like working on our layout.  You can read about it on our Layout Blog:



    My youngest daughter and I are going to start a simple layout for a bachmann road king that we got for christmas.

  •  weetle wrote:
    Confused [%-)]well i try to get my grampa and i to work on the train set it has seems that he has lost intrest what should i do?Sigh [sigh]


    I hope he is helping you.  Keep your hopes up or ask him if there is anyone else that can help if he does not want to do it any more.   

  •  Hitsua wrote:
    Well, I do wish you the best with that.  My father and I building a layout together when I was younger was a great experiance.


     Sign - Ditto [#ditto]

    "It's a great day to be alive" "Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, It might have been......"
  • Confused [%-)]well i try to get my grampa and i to work on the train set it has seems that he has lost intrest what should i do?Sigh [sigh]
  • Well, I do wish you the best with that.  My father and I building a layout together when I was younger was a great experiance.