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  • I just bought my son an acela express and he want to use the pantograph. Does anyone know where to get catenary poles and things to use the pantograph?
    Kevin Farlow Colorado Springs
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  • Welcome to the world of scratchbuilding and the minroity of us that run motors (as the PRR called them). Marklin makes stamped metal set that is rugged but pricey. I made mine from Plastruct I beams and bought Phos bronze wire at a local wirehouse. $20.00 will get you enough to do about 100 miles (not scale miles). Then you get catenary the same way you get to Carnegie Hall - practice, practice, practice!
  • Welcome to the world of scratchbuilding and the minroity of us that run motors (as the PRR called them). Marklin makes stamped metal set that is rugged but pricey. I made mine from Plastruct I beams and bought Phos bronze wire at a local wirehouse. $20.00 will get you enough to do about 100 miles (not scale miles). Then you get catenary the same way you get to Carnegie Hall - practice, practice, practice!
  • You might have better luck in the model trains forum.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • You might have better luck in the model trains forum.
    Kevin Arceneaux Mining Engineer, Penn State 1979
  • I just bought my son an acela express and he want to use the pantograph. Does anyone know where to get catenary poles and things to use the pantograph?
    Kevin Farlow Colorado Springs