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  • I am a student with the North Central Kansas Technical College electronics program. We are working on a project that uses a N scale Bechmann train and a HO Aurora race track and wanted to know if there was any working train crossings for the two. Also is there anything that would unhook cars that are nonmagnetic? Any information on these would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Thank you for the info. Looks like we're back to the drawing board
  • Nothing like that mixing the scales. Aurora/Model Motoring did make a 90 degree railroad crossing, but both the road and railroad were HO scale. We're talking back in the 60's, though.

    Again going back to the 60's, the original horn-hook couplers (sometimes incorrectly called the NMRA coupler) had a couple types of uncoupler made for them. You had to be pushing the cars into the uncoupler, and the operation wasn't very reliable.
    Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Chief of Sanitation; Clowntown