Alcohol Burner

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Alcohol Burner

  • Hello, who can help? I acquired a Live Steam Locomotive 76 Aster (Nr. 607417)
    Unfortunately the Alcohol Burner with three Wick Tubes and the description are missing. I want to build a new Burner. But I need a drawing or building sketch with technical data and/or a Link for this. With Aster Europe I already inquired. They are really very helpful and inquire in Japan, so far however still without success. The Locomotive is already 30 years old!!!
    On the Page I found an interesting article.
    Who have the Issue No. 47 (Vol. 8. No. 5) of Steam in the Garden or further Link on Page .

    Thank you

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  • you Might want to try the Live Steam forum, I'm sure some one there could help you out.
    The P.C.&.M.R.R SA#14
  • Hello, I advertised in different forums. Property each quantity of references from nice contemporaries receive. Some and/or I must thank you particularly had myself. The one is Kevin and lives in Sacramento the USA. It has me a sketch of the burner provided and too mailt the complete building guidance, operating instructions and color copies of the original folder by air mail sent. The other one is Gottfried from Dornbirn it me a sketch with all masses of the attachment pin, the burner and alcohol containers provided, mailt and helps themselves me with from this devoted questions. Charles from Frankfurt called me a good left another aster locomotive. I got further useful pictures from Jeff Runge mailt. Here I could see like those with aster with the alcohol burner to have made in such a way in principle. Thus I am now able to provide all me to missing components. All again thank you helped me Wolfgang