Harry Potter for grandson

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Harry Potter for grandson

  • I'm trying to find a Bachmann Harry Potter train set for my grandson, this should help keep his interest in model railroading.

    Tom T
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  •  ragnar wrote:
    Ah yes the Hogswart Express.....hopefully it'll run as good as it looks.

    I picked a set up for $90 cdn.  It runs very well and the kids just love it.

    The coaches are a bit light but track well.
    Keep on Trucking, By Train! Where I Live: BC Hobbies: Model Railroading (HO): CP in the 70's in BC and logging in BC
  • Although many purists look down on the "gimick" sets, these have great potential for bringing in the future model railroaders.
    Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. Chief of Sanitation; Clowntown
  • Ah yes the Hogswart Express.....hopefully it'll run as good as it looks.
    The Great Northern Lives!
  • Sounds like a good deal to me.
    I like NS but CSX has the B&O.