LEGO Trains gets and keeps kids (and adults) interested

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LEGO Trains gets and keeps kids (and adults) interested

  • I just thought I'd post a link to a new train that I put together. I am an avid LEGO train fan and promote the fact that LEGO trains is the bridge from wooden pu***rains to scale modeling.

    Any way have a look for yourself (D&RGW coach set)....

    For more information on LEGO trains see or visit (see side bar for links)
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  • On this topic, I too am a Lego fan and have entered custom Lego train entries in the Goshen Fair since 2001 and have always took first. I also have found, that Lego trains work well with Lionel standard O in the means of scale. They are not exactly right though (the Lego trains have slightly bigger track and the engines are smaller then Lionel's), but they work. I lvoe Legos, and even though I find the Lego trains a little basic and slightly boring when you're running them (very quite, no sounds and don't feature as much action as Lionel). I am currently working on a subway (in honor of my 2004 masterpiece, a recreation of Astoria, NY with the clasic red "N" trains) system that with feature part of the run hanging over Lionel part, and part of it going under the tables.
  •  csxguy wrote:
    Lego trains are awesome!
  • Lego trains are awesome!
  • [^][yeah][swg]I'm 10 and I own over 100 LEGO sets but not 1 LEGO train set.[:(]LEGOs are very COOL[8D][:p][:D][:)]
  • same here but i find it harder to model realistic trains and realistic interiors
  • I never got into normal model trains. To maney small parts and things but LEGO® trains are different. Don't like it rebuild it [:D]
    Save the F40PH!