Sierra Railway Combine No. 5

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Sierra Railway Combine No. 5

  • I'm looking for a kit for Combine No. 5, used by Sierra Railway on their Angels branch. I believe these were once produced by Binkley Models. Prefer unfinished kit.

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  • The 1990's, BC Models use to sell both cars, owned by Bob Cook. I still have the catalogue. Many cars had preprinted paper side and metal ends. Not up to the quality of Binkley.

    Bitter Creek bought the company around 2000 but has yet to produce any cars, only parts. He told me he would have plastic sides but nothing as of this date.


    If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.

  • fwright

    For a one-off prototype coach and combine, I think they hold the record for the number of models produced of them.

    On reason being that a correct to scale model worked just fine on the sharp curves found many model RR's. The Sierra needed short cars to handle the sharp curves found on the Angels Camp branch.

    - Erik

  • fwright

    Roundhouse's (MDC) Overton passenger car series were based on the Sierra Ry coach and combine used on the Angel's Branch.  The coach and combine are the more accurate models; the baggage and observation/business car are obvious foobies.  The painted and lettered plastic kits can be found as new old stock at train shows and the like.  Newer RTR runs are still being made occasionally.

    Ulrich made a cast metal kit of both the coach and combine; these were later offered by Walthers when they bought out Ulrich.  I believe the last production of these was in the '70s.  I'm not sure if Ulrich bought the Binkley molds or produced their own.  I'm pretty sure the Binkley offering pre-dated the Ulrich.

    For a one-off prototype coach and combine, I think they hold the record for the number of models produced of them.

    just my thoughts and experiences

    Fred W

    The Brinkley and Ulrich were different and there was another company also who did this car, both the Brinkley and Ulrich only produced the two real cars.

  • Roundhouse's (MDC) Overton passenger car series were based on the Sierra Ry coach and combine used on the Angel's Branch.  The coach and combine are the more accurate models; the baggage and observation/business car are obvious foobies.  The painted and lettered plastic kits can be found as new old stock at train shows and the like.  Newer RTR runs are still being made occasionally.

    Ulrich made a cast metal kit of both the coach and combine; these were later offered by Walthers when they bought out Ulrich.  I believe the last production of these was in the '70s.  I'm not sure if Ulrich bought the Binkley molds or produced their own.  I'm pretty sure the Binkley offering pre-dated the Ulrich.

    For a one-off prototype coach and combine, I think they hold the record for the number of models produced of them.

    just my thoughts and experiences

    Fred W