Looking for some assistance

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Looking for some assistance

  • Hi.  I'm looking to see if anyone here has any HO slot car stuff.   I've been working on an up and over double loop N scale track for my son.

      He and I were out looking at a garage sale trying to find some extra rolling stock or what have you.  We were poking around and came across a LifeLIke slotcar set.  She was asking $5.00, I talked her into $3.00!  We received about 30 feet of track, one complete car and one car with a broken body.    I dug out a couple of cars from my childhood and we've had a blast. 

    This past weekend, we attended a local train show to check out the local clubs and maybe pick up some stuff.  I came across a box of slotcar stuff.  When I asked about the Gentleman said he received it with a lot of train pieces he bought at an auction.  I guess I hadn't really thought that the two hobbies were that closely related, but by the end of the show I had collected a Peterbilt tractor unit and 4 race car body shells which are being swapped out regularily. 

     I'm still busy building the layout, but my son is enjoying these in the mean time and I'd like to find some more cars...


    Thank you for your time!   Dan

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