Stumped by toddler question!

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Stumped by toddler question!

  • My three-year-old has quickly become a train enthusiast. He would like to know the name of the bracket that connects the wheels together.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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  • QUOTE: Originally posted by NJMike

    Arnt they called trucks??? Or am I wrong

    A truck, or bogie in European and rail industry parlance (avoiding confusion with the automotive truck), is the complete swivelling assembly comprised of the wheels, axles, springs, bolster and side frames. The side frames are mounted on the bolster, which takes the weight of the locomotive or railroad car.



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  • QUOTE: Originally posted by NJMike
    Arnt they called trucks??? Or am I wrong

    If it is on a peice of roling stock then yes if not then I have no clue.
  • Arnt they called trucks??? Or am I wrong
  • A diesel, has sideframes, which are non-moving, structural parts.

    A steam engine (such as Thomas), has side rods, which are moving parts that make the wheels turn.
    B-Dubya -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside every GE is an Alco trying to get out...apparently, through the exhaust stack!