electric problems

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electric problems

  • i want to have light bulbs in my houses, in my train room. [:D] On my h.o. scale 4FT. BY 8FT. layout. But i hate messing with the wires [:(!] , and it makes it look a mess with wires all over the table [:(!]. what should i do? [?]
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  • Yep, LEDs have a real big advantage - they draw very little power, so you can use a dry cell to drive them. There's no real need to even have a switch - the dry cell should last a long time, anyway. (Do tin tanks still call a battery a dry cell???)


    Allan (in Oz)
  • i dont put light bulbs in my HO home's i like to put LED'S in my HO home's
     [br]i want to make a running model of the
    Stevenson's Rocket but first I need the blue prints (the full scale)
  • A cup hook is a piece of metal like a thick wire with one end threaded to screw into wood and the other end curves in a circle that doesn't quite close. Your local hardware store will have them. They come in various sizes usually brass. By screwing it to the under side of the layout you can use it as a hanger for the wiring.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • a cup hook? what is that?
  • I'd run the wires under the table. I use cup hooks and terminal strips to help keep my wiring neat, but there are other methods.
    If you're having fun, you're doing it the right way.
  • you can put the wires on telephone poles, but you'd have to use very thin wires to make it look real. or you'll have to drill holes and run the wires under the table. [:(]