2yr Old w/train addiction

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2yr Old w/train addiction

  • Every chance he gets, Kevin lines up his toy cars, trucks, and whatever he has that has wheels, into a train.  If I go to the basement, both boys follow and insist that I run the train.  The poor old Marx engine has had more miles put on it this year than in it's prior history.  If they wander off to do other things, I'm still not allowed to shut off the train or they throw a fit.  At the LHS they have 3 Thomas tables near the back of the store.  In the front window there's an HO display layout.  Kevin looked in the window, locked onto the scene and resisted going around to the door to go inside.  When inside, he gave us a hard time getting him away from the layout.  finally, we pried him away and took he and Eddie to the Thomas displays.  After twenty minutes while Mommy sat with them, Daddy was done shopping and it was time to go.  One would think we were torturing a dozen babies with the noise they made.  Back at the car, I let go of Kevin's hand for a second to open the door and he immediatly turned his attention to heading back to the store.  Good thing I've got long arms. 
    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!
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  • That's so cute.
  • I've got a five year old that started on the Thomas stuff about age two.  This has turned into all things train related, including watching real trains.  A five year old railfan.  He's been in the cab of a couple preserved steamers around here (N.E. Oh.) and remembers every location.  Can't remember where he put his socks, but can recite the name of every railroad museum and display we've been to including what we saw there.  Two weeks ago we were all driving down the road when he pipes up from the backseat that we should turn now, because we "needed" to see the train again.  We'd stopped in behind and old rail station converted to a hardware store that has three engines behind it.  A year and a half ago.  Of course he assigns them names loosely based on what they resemble from the Thomas series.

  • Nice video Gino.

    My guys turned three two weeks ago.  They're now enrolled in gymnastics and Tai Kwan Do courtesy Grandma.  They got a big Thomas table and roundhouse set and more trains.  They're parking the toy cars side by side like a parking lot and trains always lined up on the track.  Realism slowly creeping into the fun.  A dancing Wall-E toy MUST be replaced atop the roundhouse at night and Sir Topham Hat MUST be brought to all derailments to supervise the cleanup.

    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!
  • That is how it went for my sons as well.  My older boy (Dominic) has been obsessed with trains from 2 years on.  It has turned into a hobby for all of us.  Dominic, though a little more camera shy, was the brains behind this layout.  The height (2ft), the reach distance (less than 2 ft in case they come off), and the number of independant lines (two loops, a railyard, and a factory spur) were all his specifications. We used Atlas software to lay it out,  I did the computer operating,  but he guided me based on what he wanted. I was never into model railroads,  but now that we have done this I think it is pretty cool. 



  • This morning, cups, cereal bowls, spoons, napkins....a breakfast train?  NO!  TWO breakfast trains.  One from each of them.

    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!
  • It's currently the day AFTER Halloween. So far my 6 year old is on his fourth day in a row of wearing his B&M hat, striped overalls and red bib. Yeah he's a train engineer. And a mighty fine one too. At this rate he may be looking for a job at Guilford soon!!! This is TOO FUN!
    Modeling the Boston and Maine in HO
  • I'm almost 15 and still like trains. But now I hope to join the Air Force.(and fly B-52s, my current sight prevents me from flying fighters)
    -Michael It's baaaacccckkkk!!!!!! www.youtube.com/user/wyomingrailfan
  • In Pueblo Colorado there were three major bridges over the D&RGW, MP, Santa Fe, & Union Station tracks.  We would drive over, I would see there were interesting trains down there but my parents wouldn't stop to let me look at them.  So I would cry and cry.  

    If only they would have stopped.  If I would have had a digital camera and a video camera!  Green Frog Productions would be jealous.   There was really good stuff back then.


  • I went outside and found their (Flintstone type)ride on cars, bubble mowers and a red wagon lined up in the driveway.  It's either another train or a toddler parade on lunch break!  Laugh [(-D]Big Smile [:D]
    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!
  • im afraid to take my 2yr old cusin into a swapmeet because i would have to put ducktape on his moth so he dont get in trouble for distubing the peace. or i could try usingBlindfold [X-)]
    I'll work on my spelling. If ya cant fix it with duck tape its not usable anymore. I'm a redneck, my spelling is a litle difreint, keep that in mind and its ok to say aint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My policy, *clearing throat* Me line-men Me no paid to think Me paid to tackle brown ball!!!!
  • Kid up the street turned two today.  Also a severe Thomas and Cars(the Pixar film) addict. 

    Half the people at this party were talking about Strassburg.  Thank God for trains and kids.  Otherwise some of these nice people would have had to discuss their totally wrong political views.

    Now why is my father-in-law still thinking that I'm planning a garden railway?  The boys need the yard to be KIDS right now. 

    Happy to see this addiction is mostly benign.  Lifetime condition too.  Love reading your stories guys.  Thanks.

    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!
  • matt had his first cab tour at 2 years old.for his third birthday we waited and the CP 2816 came to town.Now at 7 he likes to camp out at deshler and go see trains everywhere.lots of miles on the mattmobile.More trips to come.

    stay safe


    Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


  • Been there, done that - except that I wasn't a twin and the O-27 train was MINE!!!

    Fast forward (actually not that fast when lived through) an improper number of years.  That two year old is now retired, and the double garage is slowly filling with the final-in-this-lifetime layout.  The wheels still roll, the siderods still churn and I still love it!

    What you have to look forward to is the adolescent years, when the train addiction will probably keep him well clear of other, less socially acceptable, activities.

    What he has to look forward to is one solid anchor in a world of change.

    Good luck to all three of you.


  • We've gone to Strassburg once a year since they were born.  Trip planned for August 16th this year.  We might even ride the train this year.  Last year they were kept in the stroller when the train pulled in, but they both were asleep.  They've been to Turtleback Zoo in Joisey and the train ride is their favorite thing even more than the snake/reptile house.  Right now, Kevin is playing with Diesel and the Caboose with sound from the Brio Thomas collection.  They're both upset that the O scale train is worn out.  Oh well.
    Proud to be DD-2itized! 1:1 scale is too unrealistic. Twins are twice as nice!