Building our Lionel/Carrera Slot car layout

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Building our Lionel/Carrera Slot car layout

  • I recently started a 8'x8' slot car/Lionel layout for my sons. We have a 7x13 HO layout in our basement, but I have always wanted a Lionel since I was a kid. I was also into slot cars back in the day, so I decided to try my hand at both. I built 2, 4x8 tables and strapped them together around the lolly columns.

    In our HO layout I tried glueshell as a technique for building the landscape and it worked well. I wanted to do the same with the O scale layout but knew the weight of these trains was much heavier. So, i built my base from packing foam used to protect computers. I happen to work at a large state university and had plenty of access to the "recycling" area. The janitors were thrilled that they did not have to get rid of all this foam. I am using the glueshell 50/50 Elmers glue and water painted on the craft paper and drapped over the foam. I will follow up with Rigid wrap for rock scaping as well. We picked up Lionel's Nascar Ready to run set after the holidays as well as the Penn Flyer starter. My sons are young and these inexpensive sets are good beginners for them. Not sure how to post pix on this...can anyone help?

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  • Pix didn't come out.

    - Luke

    Modeling the Southern Pacific in the 1960's-1980's

  • Here are the pix: