emoticon test

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emoticon test

  • [:)][:D][8D][:I][:p][}:)][;)][:o)][B)][8][:(][8)][:0][:(!][xx(][|)][:X][^][V][?]
    :) :D 8D :| :p }:) ;) :o B) 8 :( 8) :0 :(! xx( |) :X ^ V ?

    [Y] [y] = thumbs up

    [N] [n] = thumbs down

    can we get a thumbs up/down icon?[?] i guess that would be the approve [^] and disapprove [V] smiley?[?]

    maybe some loco icons? steam, diesel, and electric, a caboose and a passenger car, too?


    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

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  • Once upon a time in Smiley Land there lived a group of smilies.

    There was Happy [:)]
    Grumpy [:(!]
    Sleepy [|)]
    Bashful [:I]
    Doc [8D]
    Sneezy [xx(]
    Dopey [:o)]

    and a whole cast of extras [:D][:p][}:)][;)][:(][B)][:0][V][^][:X].

    They had lot's of fun entertaining themselves. Their favorite game was asking the magic [8] lot's of [?]

    "Oh Magic [8], will rain tomorrow [?]"
    "Oh Magic [8], how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood [?]"
    And etc.

    Things were going along just great when the Smiley Holiday came around. Then all the relavtives came in from out of town on a big train.

    There were the aliens from Rigel 7 [alien]
    There was the angel smiley [angel]
    There was ashamed smiley [*^_^*]
    There was the headbanger smiley (he's into hard rock n roll) [banghead]
    There was the justice smiley [X-)]
    And there's this one here [bow]
    And there was the sea captain, ARRRR. He's French so be sure to address him as mon Cap-i-tan [4:-)] (doesn't he look like a Mr. McGoo?)
    And of course the censor showed up to make sure no one was offended[censored]
    The Swedish Chef came to see everyone was fed properly [C=:-)]
    I'm not sure who this guy is, probably someone's uncle? [%-)]
    And the Duke was there [C):-)]
    And Hungry Hugh Smiley was there [dinner]
    The dunce in the family was there [D)]
    Uh-oh, we have 2 grouches in the family [|(]
    And Birthday Smiley was there [bday]
    And Tunes brought his music like always [{(-_-)}]
    Here's laughing boy [(-D]
    This guy is always up to no good [:-,]
    And what does [2c] buy you these days?
    Here's a speech bubble floating around. You see, they don't have voices so everything has to written, just like in the funny papers! [oops]
    ARR, this be No-Beard the Pirate. Don't let Capitan find you! [oX)]
    Good Grief [sigh]
    MEGA [#ditto]
    No one knows what this one's trying to say [#dots]
    This guy is always changing the subject [#offtopic]
    I wouldn't want him as my doctor [#oops]
    Here's the Welcoming Committee [#welcome]
    Hey, why don't you go find that dunce? [#wstupid]
    Smile, Wink, and Grin (formally known as winkin', blinkin', and nod) [swg]
    This guy's always got something to say. There's on of those in every family. Maybe he ought to run for Congress [soapbox]
    Anybody wanna thumb wrastle? [tdn][tup]
    And what's he up to? I'd be suspicious of this character. He ain't just whistling Dixie! [:-^]

    Holy Cow! It's after Midnight! Time to get some [zzz] !

    "Good Night, America, and to all the ships at sea." [4:-)] [oX)]

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Instead of using the "Quick Reply" you find at the bottom of every thread topic click on that part that says "Reply to Topic" with that document with an arrow icon. Once on that screen you just click the emoticons on the left.

    Another way is to use the brackets [ ]. Put [ ] around a :) to get a [:)] and repeat for all other emoticons.

    Also when you post a new topic you'll automatically get the screen with all the emoticons on it.

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. [:D]

    I mean, yes Jeff, it was a joke. I thought it was funny. [}:)] [:p] [:D]
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by jhhtrainsplanes

    NOW I WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE EMAILED THIS TO "missouri"? lol lol lol lmao [}:)] [:p] [}:)] [:p] [}:)]

    Before I get any hate mail go to this site and see what is it then you will see how funny the "MISSOURI" comment is. (For those who did battle with him.)

    ENJOY and have a [:D] day.

    nah, [V] (disapprove face) (i'd rather have thumbs up/down icons) it'll just make him more mad [:(!]. i don't want to perpetuate that old debate again [xx(]. how does that beatles song go? "let it be..." or Ed's quote "i can tell by the prickling in my thumbs something wicked this way comes" [}:)]. i know you were just joking [:o)], and everyone knew that, too, right [?] [;)]

    now that's an effective use of emoticons! [^][:D][8D][:)]

    that gives me an idea (i wish i could use a lightbulb icon right about here). who can create a short story about trains using all the emoticons on the left at least once [?] (sorry [:(], the "smiley who loved trains" story is already taken [:p], see link in 1st post)

    yad sdrawkcab s'ti

  • QUOTE: Originally posted by jhhtrainsplanes

    Jeff the send4fun thing was cute. I emailed it to a bunch of people [:D]

    Last night when I got home I had error messages for about half of the people I had recommended this site to. I didn't email them, the website sent out the page to those I had listed for them to send it to.

    So everyone should go to the send4fun site and see this. It is cute.

    NOW I WONDER HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE EMAILED THIS TO "missouri"? lol lol lol lmao [}:)] [:p] [}:)] [:p] [}:)]

    Before I get any hate mail go to this site and see what is it then you will see how funny the "MISSOURI" comment is. (For those who did battle with him.)

    ENJOY and have a [:D] day.
  • I agree. We need more smileys.
  • Jeff the send4fun thing was cute. I emailed it to a bunch of people [:D]