Classifieds? Where to sell HO Trains?

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Classifieds? Where to sell HO Trains?

  • Hello All,

    I'm new to this Forum stuff but need some advice. I've been in Model railroading since I was a kid. I have inherited a sizable HO collection (transition era) from my Uncle and I would like to sell the stuff I don't need or trade for era I model (1980's to present day).  What is the best place to post this stuff? I am still trying to inventory everything and figure out value etc. Will have a working inventory soon. The collection is mostly craftsman style kits from the 1940's to the mid 1990's. passenger & freight. My uncle was an architect and an extremely gifted modeler. He spent a life time collecting this stuff and  I will never have time to finish it with my interests in other directions...Thanks for the help. 

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  • There are several Yahoo Groups including HOEXchange and HOswap.  HOInterchange recently moved to Facebook.  Go to Yahoo and do a search for these.

  • I would think ebay would be a good place to sell the unneeded parts of your collection. It'a also a  good place to check prices on similar items.

    Good luck.