This is a line of text (as if you couldn't tell).
Default font family and default font size.
Set font size to 1 (8tp) and will post the missive.
Semper Vaporo
More test.
Again, it reverts to the normal defaults.
Semper Vaporo Semper Vaporo Semper Vaporo This is a line of text (as if you couldn't tell). Default font family and default font size. Set font size to 1 (8tp) and will post the missive. Another line, but it seems to be back to the default size. Set size to 1 again in mid line and 7 in an edit in mid line. another replay and it is back to the usual default. Set to 1 again after an "anchor" (wonder what an anchor is supposed to do?) Moved the anchor in an edit. Andale Mono Arial Arial Black Book Antiqua Comic Sans MS Courier New Georgia Helvetica Impact Symbol Tahoma Terminal Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Verdana Webdings (Webdings) Wingdongs (Wingdings) Set to Comic Sans MS and size 5
Semper Vaporo Semper Vaporo This is a line of text (as if you couldn't tell). Default font family and default font size. Set font size to 1 (8tp) and will post the missive. Another line, but it seems to be back to the default size. Set size to 1 again in mid line and 7 in an edit in mid line.
Semper Vaporo This is a line of text (as if you couldn't tell). Default font family and default font size. Set font size to 1 (8tp) and will post the missive.
Another line, but it seems to be back to the default size.
Set size to 1 again in mid line and 7 in an edit in mid line.
another replay and it is back to the usual default.
Set to 1 again after an "anchor" (wonder what an anchor is supposed to do?)
Moved the anchor in an edit.
Andale Mono
Arial Black
Book Antiqua
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Webdings (Webdings)
Wingdongs (Wingdings)
Set to Comic Sans MS and size 5