Railfans at Tehachapi Loop

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Railfans at Tehachapi Loop

  • [?] Is there somebody who knows how to find at Tehachapi Loop a good place to watch the "freight parade" from a place which is open for the Railfan??.
    Will be there sometimes in August (for the first time).[8)]
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  • Go west on 58 out of Tehachapi and get off at the Keene exit. You turn right and go past the Keene cafe and proceed about three miles up the old paved, very narrow two lane road until you get to the loop. The loop can be reached by turning left on the dirt road that leads up to the loop after you see the loop from the paved road. You should stay on the outside of the loop and not cross over to the Loop ranch as it is private.
    Happy train watching at the Loop.
  • Herbert:

    Someone at the Trains forum should be able to help you. This forum is more of a testing ground for key commands, picture-posting, e.t.c. By the way, welcome to the forum!
