Generating bmps of error messages

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Generating bmps of error messages

  • Semper Vaporo


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  • Still ignores all "Enter" keystrokes so everything I type is just one long paragraph... at least I can get text to show up. Ten "Enters" to this line. More testing later.

    Semper Vaporo


  • HA! I can put text in a posting now! But it threw away my line formatting. Trying "Ctrl-Enter" to see if that works. Nope, Trying "Shift-Enter" to see if that works. One line down in the editor. Two lines down in the editor. Click "Post".

    Semper Vaporo


  • Adding some text to see if it will show up now. I did not get an error message when the window opened. This plain text editor has no tool bar at the top. Now to click "Post" to see how it works.

    Semper Vaporo
