Decoder Install

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Decoder Install

  • I have purchased a Bachmann - Spectrum Baldwin 2-8-0. When it says DCC ready, does that mean a decoder is installed or does it mean it is ready for a decoder to plug directly in without any new wiring or mods? I have a Digitrax decoder DIG-DN1211P will this be suitable to install in this engine? Derek
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  • The DN121IP should work in this loco. The socket is in the tender. Test the loco on DC first to make shure it runs ok. IF so, then take the tender apart and pull the 8pin dummy plug off the PC board in the tender and plug your decoder in. Test it out on address 03 to see if it runs ok. They sometimes have a problem with the filter circuit Bachmann uses interfering with the DCC signal. If you have a problem, let me know and I'll get you through it. You can also use the DIGITRAX group on for additional support.

    Mike Tyl
  • Derek:

    You would probably get a quicker response posting this question of the Model Railraoder forum. I don't have that loco but gerneraly "decoder ready" means the loco has an NMRA socket that you can plug in an NMRA 8 pin decoder and be OK. You did not say what scale it is but the Digitrax DN series decoders have enough power to run most modern locos up to HO.

    Check the Diritrax web site for more information. They have a section that lists compatibility of their decoders with many locos. You will probably find the answer there. Also check Loy's Toy's, he has a lot of information about decoder and loco compabibility.
